Nurse comforting a patient

Routine And Preventive Care

The CDC reports:

If everyone in the US received recommended clinical preventive care, we could save over 100,000 lives each year.* Regular health exams and tests can prevent problems before they start and detect conditions earlier, when chances for treatment and cure are better.

Talk to Your Doctor

Ask questions and talk about how you are feeling. Topics to discuss may include weight; feeling sad, down, or hopeless; and concerns you might have about falling.

Regular Check Ups 

Make sure to have your teeth cleaned and vision checked regularly.


Get an annual flu shot. If you are 65 or older, talk to you doctor about the pneumonia shot.

Blood Test

Know your numbers like blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol.


Stay up to date on your colorectal cancer screening, mammogram, and other tests recommended by your healthcare professional. Early treatment is key.


Contact your health care provider to learn which preventive care is right for you.


Contact your doctor to learn which healthy lifestyle programs, like the Diabetes Prevention Program, are right for you.

Annual Wellness Visit

Medicare offers an annual wellness visit to your health care professional.

Get the Most out of Your Doctor’s Visit 

Communicating well with your doctor is an important part of getting good medical care. The National Institute on Aging provides articles and worksheets that will help you prepare for a medical appointment, discuss sensitive topics, manage your medications, choose a new doctor, and coordinate help from family caregivers.

Learn More

Are Your Up-to-Date on Your Screenings?

Preventive health care can help you stay healthier throughout your life. Learn about the preventive care that you and your loved ones need and ask your healthcare provider what health care you need to stay healthy.

Don’t Let the Flu Get You Down

An annual seasonal flu vaccine is the best way to reduce the chances that you will get seasonal flu and spread it to others. Learn more about getting your free flu shot.

Advance Directive

An advance directive allows you to write down what you want—and what you don’t want—ahead of time. Should you become unable to communicate or make decisions, your wishes will be honored. Learn more about your options.